Prior to recovery, every decision was formulated founded on real or imagined fears: fears of rejection, deficiency, abandonment, God, intimacy, success, failure, death, life, commitment, humiliation … and the list goes on. All my thoughts, actions and ideas stemmed from my perceived notion that I was either not good enough or would not have enough. Unquestionably, my discernment was askew.
Attempts to people please were derived from a heightened sense that I would never measure up to others’ expectations of me. I thought if I could make others happy by behaving the way I thought they wanted me to or by attempting to buy their friendship, then they would love and accept me. As I was unhealthy in my mannerisms, so I surrounded myself with the same type of people.
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When I adopt the mindset of love, the opposite of fear, then my surrender to a divine order in the universe is greater than my desire to control something and I am able to accept all things just as they are. God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change … in contradiction, living in fear is worrying about things that are beyond my control. I have come to understand that any energy spent on this negative pastime is wasted time and resource.
Along with propagating love and positive vibes out into the world, it is recommended that we learn to give ourselves the same consideration and love that we extol upon others. One task assigned by my caring and experienced sponsor is to look in the mirror every day, look into my eyes (eyes are also referred to as the windows to the soul), and say aloud, ”I love you!” This simple practice has enabled me to be kind to myself daily.
As self-love is achieved and practiced daily, the people who are attracted to me are like-minded. The healthier we become, the relationships in our lives grow and develop. Light (truth) and dark (lies) cannot exist in the same space, as darkness is defined as the absence of light. As we continue to walk in truth, anyone hiding from truth will fall away.
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Did you know?
Matthew 6:22-23 (NIV) “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” It is medically proven that the eyes speak volumes about possible health issues.